We stormed downtown this morning to obtain our press credentials. A fancy Sheraton hotel happened to be the destination.
The place was crawling with media junkies, media and I believe I saw some plain old junkies outside. The process proved simple and smooth. We were on our way in just a few minutes.
The photos here are from inside the hotel. Afterward, we grabbed a special goody bag full of free items then moved on through the crowded streets of downtown.
A lot of different types of people are roaming the streets. I'll have photos to post soon, but we saw CodePink protesting the war, someone walking around in a giant paper maché like costume of Jesus or something and I saw a dude on a fixed gear dressed as Batman's favorite boy toy Robin.
The police and military presence is quite intimidating. I'll try to snap photos, but basically there are SUV's roaming around with about 10 armored police officers hanging off the sides while it's sweeping random areas.
The experience is awesome so far. I'm posting this now because we had our first interview with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez moved back to roughly 5 p.m. So we bailed out of the madness and came back to the house to recoup.
First I had to buy deodorant because I forgot mine and I was starting to ripen. It's kind of hot outside and we're doing a lot of walking.
Also, for my skateboard friends, I filmed some footage of the Denver skatepark. The place looked fun. I wished I had had a board with me.
Later tonight, after the interview, we're supposed to crash a College Democrat party. The College Democrat Convention is underway this week too. So we're going to bug them.
I'll hopefully post again tonight.
you should have just ran around out there without a board. "Not-skateboarding". Would have been more entertaining than the no-talents out there that day.
Its a shame to see a park like that go to waste.
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