Wednesday, September 23, 2009

14" Jacksmelt Spine

My fishing project "Go Fish" is coming to an end. One of my last duties was to macerate a fish (boil the shit out of it until the meat falls from the bones) and then reconstruct the spine.

Here's the spine.

The process took me four hours and reminded me of a 3-D puzzle.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Festival With Lots Of Lobster Involved – A Lobster Festival

A new video has been posted on the District's Web site.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Runs N' Goses @ Blue Cafe

Runs N' Goses played the Blue Cafe in Huntington Beach last night.

They've been doing this shit for nearly 10 years, and although they've lost some original members they haven't lost their energy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Cachuma Lake Experience

A few questions crossed my mind during this trip to Cachuma Lake. Are kids the perfect repellent for vicious critters? Is it true that poor people look forward to camping and rich people don't really give a shit? Who is going to end up attacking us - the lonely camper with the Impala in the campsite facing ours or the guy that won't leave his creepy van next to the bathroom?

I think Tricia summed up the trip pretty well on her blog, so I'll just show some pictures.