The photograph below was published in the district
on Wednesday, Jan. 28.
on Wednesday, Jan. 28.
The handsome folks slugging back drinks at the Prospector last Saturday witnessed Micah Panzich sit solo and strum old acoustic tunes.

Ignacio Villanueva told me he saw Pete Tavera in the bathroom and said, "Hey Pete, what's up? I heard Micah is dropping the 'S' from The Paperplanes."
Apparently Pete kicked him in the mouth, or something like that.
All kidding aside, Micah sailed beyond great. The whole establishment was proud of him.
I wish there was a recording. I sped over quick from rowing, so I forgot to bring all my gear.
When the last band, The Henry Clay People, began wailing I was staring at Reid Kinnett's mustache wishing I could sprout one without looking like my uncle.

Then I was distracted by a girl in a lopsided beanie and glasses. She approached me and inquired about the photos I was snapping. I explained my situation the best I could considering the wine and Jameson I'd been drinking since 5:30 p.m. She handed me a card and asked if I would send her any band photos I might have taken because her photographer dropped out of the assignment. The girl happened to be Ellen Griley from the district.
Well, to my surprise, one of the photos appeared in
today's issue, and online.
Apparently Pete kicked him in the mouth, or something like that.
All kidding aside, Micah sailed beyond great. The whole establishment was proud of him.
I wish there was a recording. I sped over quick from rowing, so I forgot to bring all my gear.
When the last band, The Henry Clay People, began wailing I was staring at Reid Kinnett's mustache wishing I could sprout one without looking like my uncle.

Then I was distracted by a girl in a lopsided beanie and glasses. She approached me and inquired about the photos I was snapping. I explained my situation the best I could considering the wine and Jameson I'd been drinking since 5:30 p.m. She handed me a card and asked if I would send her any band photos I might have taken because her photographer dropped out of the assignment. The girl happened to be Ellen Griley from the district.
Well, to my surprise, one of the photos appeared in
today's issue, and online.