Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oklahoma Day Two

We were up and barely ready to move at 6:30 a.m. La Quinta supplied a basic continental breakfast, so Jeremy grabbed a piece of bread and I simply poured myself a miniature cup of coffee. Our spirits were high and we're ready to make this trip work.

This man is my great-great grandfather Henry Clay Synco.

Once we entered the security line Jeremy realized he had lost his I.D.

Shit. Now what?

He was told he would have to spend some time in a back room for possible probing, or just friendly interrogation. Once we arrived at the section where we show our boarding passes and begin stripping, the security guard explained we didn't have boarding passes. I guess the tickets the gentlemen printed out for us last night were itinerary tickets, but I didn't bother to check.

So back in line.

I made it through security and Jeremy was hauled off by an ear. The process didn't take that long actually. He was through security in about five minutes.

Our flight was quick and easy, maybe about 20 minutes tops. Our luggage arrived fine, although my guitar case received a serious ding.

We arrived at my grandpa's house in Chactaw, OK and my father arrived soon after.

This man is my dad John Clayton Synco Jr.

After touring the house and surrounding property we left to check on another house my grandpa is working on. We didn't do much else today. Other than swinging at golf balls and eating a tasty spaghetti dinner, we basically sat around and talked.

Tomorrow we leave to my dad's house.

Jeremy holding balls.

All three John Syncos hitting some balls.

(Update: I had to post this entry two days late. Internet is hard to find in these parts.)


Anonymous said...

uh... thought you were supposed to be shooting guns, not hooks and slices. pussies.

DOUG said...

haha. good call Rob..... but i have seen a preview of the carnage to come. this sounds like it was a legendary trip boys.