Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Letter

Dear Carlos,

            I'm sitting here in my new living room sipping some gross coffee I just bought from 7-11 and... oh, hang on. Olive just shit her pants.

            OK, I'm back. That little girl is nasty. So, back to my living room and gross coffee – Olive and I just dropped Tricia off at work. It's 7 a.m. and my knuckles have already grazed poop, but you don't want to know about that. You want to know about Washington and how it's treating us, right?
           Grab yourself a mimosa and sit back. I'm about to tell you everything.

            It's cool, I guess.


P.S. I'm just kidding.

Washington is great, so far. The time that I've spent up here has made me wonder if my parents put any thought in to where they would want to raise their children. Did they simply figure since their family stayed put they wouldn't stray far either?

This place is beautiful and everyone we've met is extremely polite. I have a funny story to tell you later that's related to my inborn paranoia of people that infested in my mind while growing up in SoCal.

Our drive up took three days. The constant stream of tears running down everyone's face made leaving Tricia's mom's house difficult, but we managed to tie down all the crap we were transporting and hit the road.

Our first stop was Sacramento. The drive was fine. There was nothing too exciting, although possibly driving over the Grapevine for the last time felt good. My aunt Debbie and uncle Pat let us stay the night and cooked us an amazing crab and chicken manicotti dinner.

The next morning we hit the road early. I was disappointed when I didn't see a "You're now leaving California" sign. I wanted us to stand next to it and take a picture.

Our next stop was Eugene, Oregon. We didn't do shit while we were there. We locked ourselves in our hotel room, ordered a pizza and relaxed the rest of the day.

The third day was great, because it meant we would finally be home. The drive was gorgeous, because everything was green and so much different than Los Alamitos. Our spirits were up. Our adventure had begun, but our new chapter in life started with us sleeping on a cold floor the first night. All of our belongings, like our bed, had been stored away in some truck and it wasn't going to arrive until 10 a.m. the following day.

The movers returned everything we sent away and our apartment was in extreme disarray for a few days. Actually, it's still a mess, but it's livable. We are now living in a two bedroom, two-bath ground-floor condo with a small backyard. Also, we have our own washer and dryer and we're paying slightly less than we were in Long Beach.

Our town is called Edmonds and it is situated along the Puget Sound roughly 15 miles north of downtown Seattle. I've heard Edmonds is the hometown of the traveler Rick Steves and the crazy actress in all the Scary Movie films Anna Faris.

We've explored a little bit, but there's so much more to see. Tricia is enjoying her job and on the days she works I'm home with Olive. It's definitely weird not being employed and I'm hoping that when Tricia begins her normal schedule I will be able to have set days when I can work.

On her days off we spend a lot of time exploring and a little time finishing up the decoration of our place.
We've had a few friends over so far. We've gone to visit her aunt down in Renton. We've had a few bottles of wine. We've cooked dinners. We've barbequed fish. We've recycled cardboard. We've walked through a couple farmer's markets. We've plunged our feet into the cold Puget Sound water. We've seen a body bag lifted out of a maintenance truck and placed on to a gurney. We've met some of our neighbors. We've met our mail lady.

I think that about covers it. I plan on documenting our life here as much as possible so make sure to check out my blog. I've changed the name though. You can find it at In fact, I think I'm going to post this e-mail to you as an update for everyone to read. I'll probably add photos too.

When are you going to visit? You can't just go to California now. I hope you're well and we'll talk soon.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

New state, new blog... kind of.

Olive is swaddled up and passed out. I'm sitting in a crispy cool living room discovering new music on LastFM. I just wrote down the name Frontier Ruckus and then realized that since I use a computer quite often I could probably stop making lists on paper. I can't let my handwriting get worse though. I should keep practicing.

I've decided to change up my blog a little. I've started a new chapter in my life, so it seems necessary to change other things too. I'm sorry to those anonymous commenters that will lose the link to this blog, but if it's meant to be then you'll find me again.

Since I'm going to miss my life as a gondolier (until I find a way to continue it) I've decided to use my nickname as the title. I received the nickname Cinque (ching-kuay) at Gondola Getaway in Long Beach, CA. after I told the story of how I got my old nickname Johnny 5. I was happy it stuck. My first gondolier nickname, Stands With Remo, didn't really appeal to me.

Cinque is 5 in Italian.

Stay tuned.