The first time I tried whiskey I was six and living in Corona. My father told me to fetch his glass, which was just out of his reach. In doing so I stole a sip. I guess the face I made was punishment enough. Acquired tastes are more pure anyways.
The first time I tried whiskey I was on a ship going to Bangladesh in the cargo area freeezing my arse off, so risking exposing myself I walked out to the deck looking for a blanket or something to warm myself up with. The captain was in his underware dancing to Michael Jackson Thriller on a transistor radio drinking out of a jug. I sat there for a while completely entertained, about 10 minutes or until the song changed to Journey's "Who's Crying Now", He cried then passed out cold. I knew whatever he was drinking must have been fantastic. I walked over to where he was lying, slowly pryed that beast of a jug out of his hand. And thats the last thing I remember.
Does this Mean Something?
I think I can fill you in. The cargo area represents the womb you slipped out of and the old man is Mr. Life, who always brandishes a boner. When he woke up and saw you passed out next to him, he decided to fuck you ever since.
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